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How to hold attention with interactive content, storytelling and video 

Published on
September 26, 2024

Luuk Koedam


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In a world overwhelmed with content, grabbing and holding your audience's attention is more challenging than ever. Traditional communication formats often fail to capture viewers' interest, making interactive storytelling and interactive video powerful tools. But why do these formats work so well? And why does our attention span seem to be so unbelievably short? In this article, we'll explore the reasons behind these trends and offer practical tips for creating engaging interactive content.

The flawed science behind the 8-second attention span

Attention is a limited resource, and the competition for it is fierce. According to research, the average attention span has decreased significantly in recent years, often cited as being as short as 8 seconds (shorter than that of a goldfish). This claim originates from a Microsoft study paper from 2015. However, this idea lacks nuance. Nevertheless, major media outlets like USA today, The Guardian and The New York Times have referenced it in their articles. Not the best investigating journalism, probably due to their short attention span 😛

Despite its flaws, this Microsoft claim is still intriguing. They referenced a 2008 study on web usage, which stated that, on average, people don't spend much time on web pages. You don't need science to understand this; just look at your own behavior.

Test your own attention span in information gathering

Let’s do an imaginary test. You’re looking for something on the internet. You start Google, type in some keywords, and suddenly, there are almost unlimited pages of information. There's a 95% chance you'll click one of the first five links. You end up on a page and start reading headlines and scrolling. If you don’t find a headline that catches your attention and answers your question (at least partially), you’re likely gone in about 8 seconds, if not sooner. You probably found this article in the same way, so if you’re reading this sentence, we did something right.

Another simple test: you receive a long email with a lot of text. You start reading, but how quickly do you start scanning? Do you need to read the whole thing? And why do you read the short email but not the long one? It’s all about time, and you’re right—your time is the most precious thing you have.

A good story is worth your attention

That 8-second attention span is just based on some data, but why can we spend hours on social media, binge-watch entire series on streaming websites, or get lost in a book we can’t put down? That’s the power of storytelling. We love a good story; it intrigues us, triggers our emotions, and lets us relate to and empathize with the characters.

Games are amazing at holding our attention hostage

Game addiction is a real issue today because gamers don't just see and hear the story-they live it. They can spend days with just a few hours of sleep and a lot of cheap energy drinks, fully immersed in the game. Is it disturbing? Maybe. But it’s also fascinating, and there’s a lot to learn from it.

Why is our attention span declining?

This decline is often attributed to the constant influx of information and the endless distractions available at our fingertips. However, when we're watching a film or playing a game, we’re less distracted because we enjoy the content and don’t want to miss any part of the storyline. On the other hand, when we’re faced with less engaging information, more exciting alternatives are just a click away. Distractions are everywhere, and we're drawn to content that provides a quick dopamine hit.

Why interactive storytelling works

Research shows that interactive content can counteract this trend by actively involving the viewer. A study published in the Journal of Media Psychology found that interactive videos, where viewers can make choices or engage with the content, significantly increase engagement and retention rates compared to passive viewing. This interactivity turns viewers into participants, making them more invested in the content and, therefore, more likely to remember the information presented. Simply because;

  1. Active participation: Interactive storytelling invites viewers to take an active role, making choices that shape the narrative. This sense of control and personal involvement makes the experience more memorable and enjoyable, leading to longer engagement times.
  2. Emotional connection: Interactive content often creates a deeper emotional connection because it can adapt to the viewer’s decisions. This customization makes the story feel personal and relevant, which is key to maintaining attention.
  3. Gamification elements: By incorporating game-like elements such as challenges, quizzes, or rewards, interactive videos and stories tap into the intrinsic motivation of users. This not only holds attention but also encourages repeated engagement.
  4. Feedback loops: Unlike traditional content, interactive videos provide immediate feedback based on the viewer's choices. This dynamic response reinforces engagement and keeps the audience interested in the outcome.
  5. Narrative structure: Well-crafted stories with clear structure and progression naturally keep viewers hooked. Interactive storytelling enhances this by adding suspense, allowing viewers to influence the direction of the narrative, and making the experience more immersive.

Tips for creating attention-grabbing interactive content

  1. Start with a strong hook: The first few seconds are crucial. Begin with a compelling question, an eye-catching visual, or an unexpected fact that immediately captures interest. For example, a dramatic scenario where the viewer has to make a quick decision can instantly engage them.
  2. Keep it concise and focused: Attention spans are short, so your content should be concise and to the point. Break information into small, digestible parts and use interactive elements to keep the flow dynamic. According to another study by Microsoft, shorter interactive segments followed by immediate feedback can significantly improve engagement.
  3. Use visual and audio cues: Leverage the power of visuals and sound to guide the viewer's attention. Changes in music, sound effects, or visual shifts can direct focus to key moments in the story, making the experience more immersive.

For grabbing attention with a short introduction video we have an effective formula at Intractive, just check the explainer video below.

  1. Personalize the experience: Use data-driven insights to tailor the content to the viewer’s preferences. Personalization can be as simple as addressing the viewer directly or offering choices that reflect their interests. Research shows that personalization increases emotional investment, leading to higher engagement rates.
  2. Incorporate choices wisely: Make the interactive elements meaningful. Rather than overwhelming viewers with constant decisions, focus on choices that significantly impact the story. This approach not only maintains engagement but also enhances the emotional impact of the content. 

At Intractive we use story branching for creating choices and personalized experiences. We created a video explaining why this can be so effective.

The future of corporate communication

Let’s be honest: corporate communication can be very boring. But interactive storytelling and video provide a simple and effective solution. They are the future of corporate communication, offering a unique way to connect with audiences on a deeper level. Whether it's for training, marketing, or internal communications, these formats can break through the noise, making your message not just heard but remembered.

By combining engaging narratives with interactive elements, you can create a powerful communication tool that captures attention longer than traditional methods. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing interactive storytelling can set your communication strategy apart, driving engagement and delivering results that static content simply cannot achieve.

Curious to see some examples? Check out our case page.


Incorporating interactive storytelling and video into your content strategy is not just a trend–it’s a necessity in the battle for attention. By making your audience active participants, you can hold their focus longer, create deeper connections, and deliver your message more effectively. Explore the possibilities of interactive content and just watch as your communication efforts reach new levels of engagement and impact. 

Click here if you want to book a demo with one of our experts.

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